
Showing posts from February, 2019
Day 9- chapter 11 When Grant went to go see Jefferson, Grant handed Jefferson some food and he started acting like a hog because that's what the white people calls him so he starts to act like which is a sign of not being a man 
Day 8 - chapter 10 Every time Grant and Miss Emma goes to Jefferson its the same as the first time they went. On the fourth day when him and Miss Emma was going to visit Jefferson, his aunt Taunte Lou tells him that Miss Emma was sick but he believe that they were just making it up so that Grant can go alone 
Day 7- chapter 9 Grant was finally able to meet Jefferson in Bayonne jail and he brought Miss Emma with him. Miss Emma brought food for Jefferson and he declined it and every time Miss Emma asked him a question nothing barely came out his mouth except for nothing matters and when was his execution
Day 6 - chapter 8 When Grants class were doing wood work it reminded him of his elementary school teacher, Mr. Antoine who hated teacher and Mr. Antoine was mulato which is a mixed race and that made him think he was superior over the blacks
Day 5 - chapter 7 Grants class was getting observed by the superintendent Dr. Morgan and Grant thinks that the superintendent inspections are like slave master inspections  Grant complains about getting hand- me- down books from the white schools and the superintendent tells him to put his students in the field which makes me think that he's white 
Day 4 - chapter 6 Henry Pichot bet that Grant can't make Jefferson into a man and embarasing him by letting him wait I don't believe that no one feel sad about Jefferson getting executed and for his family. They just make it seem like they are sad After all the time Grant waited at Henry Pichot house, he told him that he can see Jefferson in a few weeks 
Day 3 - chapter 5 Grant is a teacher at a church and when he's not in a good mood he take his anger on his students by hitting them with a ruler and that doesn't seem 
Day 2 - chapter 4 Black people in Bayonne were treated like hidden figures from the whites because things like schools, jobs, and churches were in the back of town while the whites are in front of the town and it should be blended then separated Grant don't want to leave town without Vivian because it seems as if he leaves he wont have no one to be by his side
Day 1 - chapter 1, 2 & 3 I believe that Miss Emma was related to Jefferson because Jefferson called her nannan and she kept asking Grant's aunt to let Grant go see Jefferson but get didn't want to because he knew that there was no way out of being sentence to death. Grant calls his aunt Tante Lou because she is a spiritual women who believes in he faith and others maybe that why she wanted to send Grant to Jefferson because she believes in him Grant get treated like a little and he still lives with his aunt It took Mr. Henri Pichot so long to to tell Miss Emma that he would visit Jefferson and even though she been helping his family for years he didn't want to do he only doing it because she kept begging